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temperature icon 23°F
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Thursday, September 07, 2023

11:11:23 PM

80 F Partly Cloudy

COLUMN: Geoengineering Watch ; the sky is actually falling !

Thinking about chemtrails, nanoparticles, and climate change

By Frederick Sinclair

A previous article shed light on the controversy of chemtrails; what they are, how they are impacting our environment and the role they play in the geoengineering of earth’s atmosphere.   According to David Keith, a developer and promoter of geoengineering, “Geoengineering is the intentional large-scale manipulation of the environment, particularly manipulation that is intended to reduce undesired anthropogenic climate change.” Anthropogenic , being that which is caused by and or related to humans.   Keith published Geoengineering the Climate: History and Prospect in 2,000 which provided an in depth treatise on the post World War II history of weather and climate modification. Keith’s work was a precursor to modern thinking about the application of geoengineering to climate control. 

Weather control efforts began in earnest following WWII. In  the 14 years since David Keith identified geoengineering for what it is and can involve, there has been an extreme acceleration in the application of technologies which are intended to control climate change and reduce global warming through solar blocking. In 1962, Vice President Johnson gave a college commencement speech in which he announced to the world  “we have laid the foundation for development of a weather satellite that will permit man to control the world cloud layer and ultimately to control the weather, and he who controls the weather controls the world.” This statement  revealed the government agenda to weaponize geoengineering and was a break in the ‘cloud’ of secrecy which surrounds current widespread geoengineered sky applications to this day.

The most obvious examples of ‘hidden in plain sight’ geoengineering are  chemtrails. Chemtrails result from the high altitude aerosol application of nano particulates and chemical elements to form artificial cloud cover. Nano (nm) particles are between 1 and 100 nm in size with 1 nm being a millionth of a millimeter. When breathed in they can easily enter the bloodstream and  pass the blood-brain barrier. Sampling has identified what is in these crisscrossed, horizon to horizon sky streaks, which ultimately diffuse into a high altitude sun blocking haze. The test results show that chemtrails contain aluminum, strontium, barium, graphene, polymers and plastics, all in the nano particulate form, which stay aloft for extended periods of time, before settling to earth in rain and fallout. David Keith was questioned, at a seminar where he and other geoengineering promoters were presenting, about what health and environment impact the dispersal of the millions of tons per year of nano particulates will have on the earth. His response was  that their analysis of the ratio of number of particles to the receiving number of atmosphere and earth particles, did not indicate significant impact or reason for concern. When pressed further about health impact and toxicity from bio-available aluminum and strontium and barium, Keith confessed that there has not been any geoengineering analysis of health impact. In another forum,  Keith also admitted that at  full program implementation there might indeed be deaths in the tens of thousands from geoengineering.                                                                  

It is important to note that there several patents currently approved for geoengineering involving the high altitude application of a wide array of nano particulates. The main patent holders are the US military (Pentagon)  and members of the Military-Industrial Complex: Lockheed Martin and Raytheon. The threat that geoengineering and chemtrails represent is more dangerous than the climate change it is allegedly addressing. What we all can do is write or email or call our State and Federal representatives and let them know we want to know what we are being exposed to, who is doing it, what the health impacts might be. In the interim it must stop! Ask Governor Hochul to declare NYS a NO FLY ZONE !

Go to to see proof of what is happening to the air we breathe, soil we farm, food we eat, water we drink and bodies we inhabit. For those readers who desire more proof that the sky is actually falling, and can endure the naked truth, watch the documentary The Dimming at :

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